lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

Wokshop de Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) gratuito

El próximo 16 de Abril tendrá lugar un Workshop de Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI),  organizado por la empresa austriaca g.tec y la Universidad de Zaragoza. El Workshop dura un día y es una gran oportunidad para hacerse con una idea de la tecnología y sus aplicaciones en general. Está pensado para estudiantes de cualquier área de conocimiento, especialmente recomendado para Máster y Doctorado.  Os dejo aqui el resumen y el programa:


BCI research is one of the most fascinating fields in neuroscience. Mental tasks or focused attention lead to changes in the brain’s activity patterns which can be measured, analyzed and classified. The
transformation of such changes into a control signal allows to communicate or control external devices just by thinking. An amazing technology helping patients who are about to loose any other ability to interact with their environment. This workshop informs about the major methodological approaches, technical issues, application examples, opportunities and limitations, current trends and many more.
This workshop is intended for people interested in learning the new skill of BCI communication and for people who are interested in combining BCI technology in their field of expertise. The workshop
contains material about human computer interaction, biosignal analysis in off-line and real-time mode, rehabilitation, biomedical and electrical engineering, computer sciences and virtual reality. In a practical session and introduction of hard and software used for research and development will be given. Participants can perform live experiments such as P300-spelling, motor imagery BCI for
rehabilitation and SSVEP control.


10:00 introduction to the four major methodological approaches of BCI
13:00 special tak bout neurotechnology for motor and cognitive neuro-rehabilitation
14:00 break
15:30: introduction to hard and software
16:30 hands-on session: BCI live experiments
18:00 end

Además, si no eres de Zaragoza y te interesa, g.tec organiza workshops similares en otras ciudades españolas en colaboración con otras universidades. Puedes obtener toda la información aquí.

Para la jornada de Zaragoza, os dejo mas datos:

Precio: gratis
Aforo: limitado (manda mail a para reservar plaza)
Fecha: 16 de Abril a las 10:00 horas.
Dirección: I3A - I+D+i Building, C/ Mariano Esquillor s/n 50018 Zaragoza (detrás del Edificio Betancour)
Sala: Block 6, Floor 2, I3A Room (Seminario)